Latest Episodes

How does Craftsmanship Apply to Customer Service?
On this episode of The Family Business Voice, Mark Wagner talks to Ramia about how family businesses can use customer service to compete with...

Chengwei Liu: Should Family Businesses get over Nepotism?
Dr Chengwei Liu is an Associate Professor of Strategy and Behavioural Science at England’s Warwick Business School. An expert in executive decision-making, Dr Liu’s...

Our House of Spice: How Can Family Businesses Listen to their Hearts and their Customers?
The daughters of Indian immigrants to England, Julia and Nadia Latif spent their childhood in the East Anglian countryside. Their entrepreneurial venture exhibits the...

Randel Carlock: Family Businesses or Family Enterprises?
Randel Carlock takes a singularly pragmatic approach to the subject of family business management. His latest book, A Family Business on the Moon, written...

Adam Ifshin: What’s the Value of Human Capital?
As the CEO of DLC Management Corp – an entrepreneurial real estate firm he co-founded with his father, the late Steve Ifshin, in 1991...

Claudia and Joe Astrachan: How can you Leverage Family Ownership to Market your Business?
Leveraging family ownership is a unique opportunity presented to family businesses when formulating their branding strategy. Whether by adding the typical ‘and Sons’ to...